Grayslake Speeding Accidents
Speeding is potentially one of the most destructive behaviors in which many drivers choose to engage. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the practice contributes to at least 33 percent of all traffic fatalities in the U.S., or about 13,000 deaths every year. In addition to the numerous vehicular speeding accidents, many pedestrian accidents can be attributed to speeding drivers. Despite the high number of speed-related fatalities, many drivers are unaware that Grayslake speeding is not limited to exceeding the posted speed limit.
Our car injury lawyers know that motorists can be cited for speeding when they do the following:
- Ignore road conditions – In many weather-related accidents, speeding is also a factor. When weather changes or roads become rough or unpredictable – due to construction or road design defects, a driver’s speed should be altered to consider the new road conditions. If drivers do not adjust their speed under such conditions and an accident occurs, they can be held liable, regardless of the posted speed limit.
- Race – Illegal racing on public roadways is incredibly dangerous because of the high speeds involved. It is also a form of distracted driving. Drivers who are racing are focused on each other and not on anyone else who may be in or near their path. Additionally, auto defects, such as a braking system or steering problem, become much more dangerous at high speeds.
- Ignore speed advisories – Speed advisories, such as those found on short stretches of curvy roadways, alert drivers to certain changes in the road that would call for an adjustment in their speed. When drivers ignore these advisories and fail to reduce their speeds, common auto accident injuries become much more likely.
Although it may not seem like slightly increasing a motorist’s speed can have an impact on driving safety, the truth is that even speeding a small amount can significantly increase a driver’s chances of being involved in a fatal speeding accident.
Lake County Car Injury Lawyers
For every 10 miles per hour that a motorist travels above the 50-mph mark, the risk of debilitating injury, disfigurement or death doubles, according to the NHTSA. Increased speeds decrease a drivers’ reaction time to outside events, such as slowed or stopped traffic. Many rear-end accidents occur because the driver could not react in time to stop before hitting the car ahead.
When motorists are using dangerously high rates of speed, they may decrease their reaction time significantly. Similar to alcohol-related accidents, their brains are unable to process the need to stop before a collision occurs. Lake County car injury lawyers know all too well the effects of speeding on reaction time, particularly in head-on accidents where the driver could not get back to the correct lane in time. Many cell phone accidents also have a speeding element, where the driver’s poor reaction time is compounded by not realizing how fast the car is moving.
Potential Compensation
At Cary J. Wintroub & Associates, our auto accident attorneys are prepared to help accident victims seek compensation for their injuries and the effect an accident has had on their lives. If you are unsure what to do after an auto accident, contact our offices today by calling (312) 726-1021. We offer a free consultation so you can get your questions answered regarding the possibility of filing a personal injury lawsuit.