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What You Didn’t Know About Slip And Fall

Posted in Infographic on Sunday, April 10, 2016

Slip and fall accidents cost American companies and residents billions of dollars a year in medical costs and lost productivity. The real statistics behind the injuries are eye opening.

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What You Didnt Know About Slip And Fall

Economic Costs

Medical costs are only a small part of the compensation a Chicago slip and fall lawyer seeks after an injury. For workers’ compensation alone, slip and fall accidents cost American companies more than $70 billion annually. When researchers calculate the additional 14 or more days employees miss after an accident, the number grows to nearly $100 billion.

Non-employees injured in a slip and fall accident cost companies far more than the average workers’ compensation claim. The average cost of a slip and fall incident by a customer or visitor is just over $23,000, but a Chicago slip and fall lawyer may seek more in damages if serious injury or death occurs.

Age Factor

Slip and fall accidents are the leading cause of accidental death for Americans over 85 and the second leading injury-related cause of death for people over 65. The Centers for Disease Control estimate that a third of American seniors suffer a slip and fall injury each year, and nearly two million of those falls require medical treatment. Despite the level of care and oversight seniors receive in assisted living centers and nursing homes, slip and fall accidents still occur at startling rates.

Not only are elderly Americans more likely to fall, they suffer more severe injuries than the younger population. Falls cause hip damage that limits mobility, and serve as the cause of approximately 40 percent of new nursing home admissions every year.

Injuries And Death

Younger Americans who experience an accident that requires a Chicago slip and fall lawyer also suffer debilitating injuries and death. Falls at home and in the workplace account for a fifth of all ER visits each year, and even minor injuries can cost thousands of dollars to treat.

Permanent disability or death is also a possibility in a slip and fall accident. The average disability claim is $275,000, with higher costs for victims with spinal or head injuries. If the victim dies, companies may face crippling economic and non-economic awards.

A Chicago slip and fall lawyer is a necessary advocate to pursue adequate compensation after a slip and fall injury. Through a lawyer, plaintiffs may be able to prove liability and culpability for the accident, and preserve the rights of the victim.

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